One of the main themes in this book is, the technology that Ray Bradbury imagined is coming true in real life! "Their approach sensitized a switch somewhere and the nursery light flickered on when they came within ten feet of it. Similarly, behind them, in the halls, lights went off as they left behind, with a soft automatically"(9)here's another example. "The walls were blank and two dimensional. Now George and
Lydia Hadley stood in the center of the room, the walls began to purr and recede into crystalline distance, it seemed, and presently an African veldt appeared, in three dimensions; on all sides, in colors reproduced to the final pebble and bit of straw. The ceiling above them became a deep sky with a hot yellow sun"(10). Here is one more example about how ray Bradbury thought of technology and is now coming true today!!!"At dinner they ate alone, Wendy and Peter were at a special plastic carnival across town and had televised home to say they'd be late, to go ahead eating. So George Hadley, bemused, sat watching the dining room table produced warm dishes of food from its mechanical interior"(13). Those are some very good examples of how Ray Bradbury imagined technology!
I would recommend this book to other seventh grade readers because Ray Bradbury imagined technology back then and is now coming true today! For instance Face Time he imagined it, and it has came true, and when you walk it to a room the lights turn! That has also have come true today. I recommended this book to other seventh grade readers because Ray Bradbury.
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